Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rest Day at Fraser

Today was our first rest day. I got up at 4:39 am and Dad was awake already. According to our body clocks it was already 5:39 am and at 6:00 am Dad and I decided to get mum out of bed. She said that we had promised her that she could sleep in on today and she slept in for about 45 more minutes.

I had decided yesterday that if we stopped anywhere for 2 nights or more that I would get through as much school work as possible. Before Mum got up I had completed 7 weeks worth of reading work.

After that we all got up and made a delicious breakfast of baked beans on toast, bacon and eggs and a hot chocolate. It has taken me 1 year to discover that I actually like bacon and eggs. At first it was just scrambled egg that I liked but today I discovered that fried egg with a runny yoke tastes pretty good as well. Dad told me to mix the egg yoke in with the baked beans and it tastes great! I also tried a fried egg with a hard yoke which is definitely my preferred option of fried egg. After breakfast I did the rest of this terms math work and then did some more reading work.

Then Dad and I went and had a shower. It costs $1 for a five minute shower and we finished our showers in record time. Then we just enjoyed the warm water until our time was up. After we returned to the caravan, Mum and Andrea went and had a shower.

While they were gone the wind that had been blowing all day got even stronger and blew our bucket over. The bucket is a bucket that we put under the wastewater outlet outside the caravan. it was empty and a strong gust of wind blew it over and rolled it under the caravan and out the other side. I went and got it and put a rock in it to stop it happening again.

Then we had lunch. We still don't have any avocado so I eat mayonnaise instead. For lunch Mum made an egg spread and Mum, Dad and Andrea put it on their cruskits and rice crackers. I ate a mayo and tuna sandwich and two mayo and tuna cruskits.

After lunch one of the workers on the station came and told us that there was a movie night on tonight. Dad said that if Andrea and I had a sleep we would be able to come to the movie night. I read for a bit and then dropped of to sleep. The book that I'm reading is called Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I awoke in time to hear Dad talking to Mum about doing a little walk that the station had on it's property. We only walked up to the water tank which isn't even a kilometre walk. When we arrived at the water tank we saw two wallabies and Dad took a photo of them. They were so cute! The wallabies, not the photos. Then we kept walking for another couple of hundred meters and stopped to take some more photos of more wallabies. Then after we had finished exploring we walked back to the camp. After that Andrea and I had some fun on the seesaw. I came back to the caravan half an hour later feeling a bit sick.

Then we had dinner which was spinach gnocchi for Mum, Andrea and Dad and for me stir fried dumplings. During dinner I looked so tired that Mum and Dad asked if I wanted to come to the movie night. I said that I was feeling a bit tired and that I didn't really want to go. For dessert Mum, Dad and I shared a packet of hazelnut wafers. Then Mum and I watched a movie on the laptop. It was called The Nugget. It is about three men who find a gold nugget and then someone else tries to steal it. After that I went to bed. I slept really well.

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