Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today we traveled to 611km to Wodinna. The trip took ages. In the morning I got up and I made a hot chocolate for myself. Andrea didn’t want one because she was having cereal for breakfast.

Dad and I hitched up the caravan. Just as I was tightening the last shackle Dad said that we had to unhitch the caravan again because he needed the two jerry cans from the back of the car. So we unhitched the caravan again and took the two jerry cans out and put them on the roof in their holders. Then we hitched the caravan
back up again. We left around 9:00 am and
within the hour reached a ferry.

We had to cross the Murray river sometime but Dad wasn’t that desperate to get on a ferry with the caravan. When we came to another ferry half an hour later Dad decided we had to take a ferry one way or the other. So onto the ferry we drove.

I was worried that there might not be enough room for our car and caravan. I needn’t have worried, there was still space for a small car behind us. On the drive across I hopped out of the car and took photos of the caravan and the car and the ferry. As we drove back off the ferry we heard a scraping and cracking sound. While Dad pulled over to have a look what had happened I took some more photos of the ferry.

Dad has recently bought a new lens for our Canon EOS D.S.L.R. camera. It has a magnificent zoom and I could take close up photos of two trucks boarding the ferry. After the short stop Dad confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the caravan and we drove on to Burra. At Burra Mum went shopping while Dad, Andrea and I went to the toilet. Then I took another photo of the car and caravan. When Mum came back from shopping she brought us each a morning snack.

Andrea and I treated it as our recess seeing as it was 11:13 am. I got a chocolate eclair, Andrea got a chocolate doughnut, Mum got an apricot slice and Dad got a vanilla slice. As we drove and ate I did some school work. After that the drive was pretty uneventful until we reached Port Augusta. There we drove up a road that ran along a channel.

We turned back and drove to the Gull Roadhouse. We have officially hit road train territory. A the Gull Roadhouse there were about 3 road trains parked, the drivers either filling up on diesel or taking a breather and eating lunch. In case you don’t know what a road train is, it is a truck that can have up to four trailers. These ones only had two trailers.We also had lunch at the Gull Roadhouse.

For lunch we had wraps and sandwiches. I ate one wrap and one sandwich. Then while Mum and Andrea went to find the toilet Dad asked me to watch out for any traffic behind while he drove the car to the diesel bowsers. I noticed that the back left wind down leg on the caravan was broken and dangling by a spring. I told Dad, he checked it out and said not to worry. Then Dad an I filled up the two jerry cans and placed them back into their holders on the roof.

Then we drove on until we were within 100 km of Woodina. We pulled over at the side of the road, Mum got some fruit out of the caravan, and then we kept right on driving until we reached the small town of Woodina. We set up the caravan but didn’t unhitch as we are leaving again tomorrow morning. I took out the sway bars and then as I was about to deal with the water hose the sound of a helicopter sounded. Woodina Motel and Caravan park have a person from helistar staying and he flies his helicopter in and lands in the owners backyard. Andrea and I watched it land. That pilot is skilled. He landed the helicopter with half a meter to spare next to a gum tree.

Then I went and took some photos of the birds in the massive cage. The birds can fly around in the cage and they have a feed bowl as well. It got to dark to take photos and I couldn’t get the birds to look like birds anyway. They lust looked like lightbulbs on branches.

Then I took some photos of the car and caravan which turned out a lot better than the bird photos. I retired to the caravan. Just as I was about to sit down on the couch Dad said that we would go and have a shower. so we went and had a shower while Andrea and Mum cooked dinner. After the shower we had dinner. Dinner was pasta alfredo sauce with chicken and a tossed salad. For dessert we had two easter eggs each. Then I wrote the blog and went to my bunk.

Italian part

Ciao mi chiamo Alexander.

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