Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pardoo Station Day 1

Today my sister and I got up and did some shark drawings. I decided to draw a Mako shark. Then we had breakfast and hitched up the caravan. We drove 120 km to Pardoo Station. Along the way I finished my Mako Shark and it looks quite good. when we arrived at the station we chose a site and set up the caravan. Dad and I rolled out the awning and I pegged in the guide ropes. Then I connected the wastewater hose. After that my sister and I sat down and drew some more fish. We decided to draw a Mahi Mahi (aka Dolphin Fish).

Then we all piled into the car and drove to Pardoo Creek. I found a dead Shovelnose Ray entangled in the mangroves. The tide was out and the creek was barley 5 metres wide. It was really muddy and my sister found a barra lure. Then Mum saw a dead stingray up high on the mudflats. It was dead well and truly but it was still rurally interesting to look at.

Then we drove back to the caravan and had lunch. For lunch we had some fresh, station made bread. Then we packed the fishing gear and drove back to Pardoo Creek. We fished with bait and lures. I flicked a barra lure and after a few casts hooked something. It didn't fight hard so it was pretty small. I reeled it in hoping for a small Barramundi. I released it and continued fishing. We didn't catch anything after that and went back to the caravan a few hours later.

When we got back my sister and I went for a swim. After a nice cool swim we went and had a shower. Then we wrote our blogs. After that we had dinner. Dinner was Mexican Potatoes. Mexican Potatoes is where you bake the potato in the fire and make some meat sauce out of mince meat. When the potatoes are ready you cut them in half and put the meat sauce through the middle. It is one of the best campfire dishes in my opinion. After that we had dessert. For dessert we had chocolate milk with some bread. After that we went to bed.

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