Monday, July 4, 2011

Point Samson Day 3

Today I got up in the morning and made some breakfast. Then my sister and I went to the playground and had some fun on the flying fox. After that I went back to the caravan and get dressed for our planned fishing trip. Instead we drove to the shopping centre and got some bread and other suff. Then we drove to the fishing spot and found the tide was running way to hard to fish.

So we drove back to the caravan and had lunch. After lunch we had dessert. For dessert we had some biscuits that Mum had bought. Then we drove to the fishing spot. I fished with some bait and caught some small Moses Perch. Then Dad saw something big follow his lure and I switched to lure fishing. I didn't catch anything on lures so I went back to bait. I caught an assortment of Zebra fish, Moses Perch and Yellowtail Mullet. My sister also caught a Moses perch. It was about 20 cm long and it's teeth were 3 millimetres long. I didn't want to get bitten so I removed the hook with pliers.

After a few hours of this fun we packed up and drove back to the caravan. My sister and I washed some of the lures in the tackle box. We soaked them in fresh water to stop them going rusty. After that I went to the playground and pushed my sister on the flying fox swing. Then I went back to the caravan and went and had a shower. After that I came back to the caravan and wrote my blog. Then we had dinner. Dinner was chicken and noodles. After dinner we had dessert. Dessert was chocolate milk and some doughnuts. Then I went to bed.

Oggi siamo andati da pesca.
Ho preso venti pesci.
E stato divertente.

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